Craspedia globosa, commonly known as Billy Button or Drumstick, is a unique annual flower native to New Zealand, Australia, and Tasmania. It can be grown as an annual plant in Zones 3 - 10.
Billy Button is a popular dried addition to arrangements due to its excellent cutting and drying properties. The plants can reach a height of 24 inches and have bright yellow flower heads.
To start growing Billy Button, sow the seeds indoors 4 - 6 weeks before the last expected frost date. Press the seeds into the soil, lightly cover them with peat moss or garden sand, and keep them moist. Germination typically takes 21 days at a temperature range of 70 - 75F.
Transplant the young plants outside after the danger of frost has passed and when they have 2 sets of true leaves. Billy Button thrives in full sun.
For optimal spacing, sow 3 - 4 seeds per plant and then thin or space them 12 inches apart.