Recommended for optimal growth, plant in USDA Zone: 3-8. It reaches a mature height of 36-42 inches and a width of 18-24 inches.
The plant is packaged in a #1 Size Container and is fully rooted in the soil. It can be planted immediately upon arrival, weather allowing.
With its impressive bloom and seed production, this Coneflower variety attracts pollinators. The flowers are deep pink with greenish center cones that have orange shading. The plant offers a burst of color from June to August. Native pollinators and butterflies are particularly fond of this plant, making it an indispensable addition to any native, pollinator-friendly garden.
Thanks to its sturdy flower stems, this robust bloomer maintains an upright position above the foliage. It is excellent for creating a mass of summer color in the middle to back of a sunny garden.
Native songbirds are attracted to the seed produced by spent flowers, and they make use of the dried stems for nesting. Additionally, this plant is deer resistant.